[H2][Color=D2691E]NEKO[/Color][/H2] Neko looked in the direction of the strange smelling creature that made her appear positively normal who said Cat Lady. Blinking she tilted her head and smiled weirdly her sharp teeth glowing whitely an her killing fangs exposed in a manner of a smile used by humans. Her tail's motions settled down but still remained in motion and she. Said [Color=D2691E]"Am called Neko not Cat Lady Thinking she you name in Gotham an older than Neko. Neko was told here she was wanted as hunter of the bad man an woman Ten Titan is here correct"[/Color] So many smells and so many trees filled with food prey and soon Susan her friend was sending her the rabbits an pens for growing them. If these and the others she smelled were as friendly then perhaps this could be more fun than the Susan Neko home she shared with the Doctor who was her only friend.