[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/cooltext141154639685269_zpsycltzikx.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/cooltext141154639685269_zpsycltzikx.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Kaylee sits silently in the co-pilot seat of their ship, [i]The Phantom Dawn[/i] as it waits in orbit just above Tatooine. The ship itself was a Nubian starship, the very ship used by royalty from Naboo as well as dignitaries from all over the galaxy. “Are you alright?” Rush’s voice breaks the silence. [color=92278f]“Huh?”[/color] Kaylee aks, somewhat startled. “You’ve been awfully quiet since…” [color=92278f]“Since we found Joren.”[/color] Kaylee finishes for him. “Yeah.” Rush says. [color=92278f]“I know. We just have…a history. It’s complicated.”[/color] Kaylee says. “Yeah, I was there, remember?” Rush says, his voice far more admonishing that he had intended. [color=92278f]“I do.”[/color] Kaylee says quietly. It was true, after Joren had left the Jedi Order and disappeared into the galaxy, Rush had been there for her. She had been devastated when he left, however, in time she was able to move on. Yet, now that he was back in the fold, she feels as if she is back at square one. [color=92278f]“I really don’t want to talk about this right now. I have to send a message to Master Datch to let him know that the situation on Tatooine has been taken care of…as well as report on…unexpected developments.”[/color] Kaylee tells him as she produces a holorecorder. "That's fine, but we should talk about this later." Rush says. [color=92278f] “Master Datch, the mystery of the strange deaths on Tatooine has been solved. I will be making my report to you when I arrive on Coruscant. There has also been an unexpected development, I have found Joren Kel and am bringing him to Coruscant as well. We will see you shortly, Master.”[/color] Kaylee shuts the holorecorder down as she finishes speaking, and once again sits in silence. “Darq Dreams to Phantom Dawn, do you read?” The sound of a female voice breaks the silence over the com system. [color=92278f] “Darq Dreams, we read you loud and clear.”[/color] Kaylee responds. “We’re preparing for the jump to hyperspace now, we’ll see you on Coruscant.” The voice says. [color=92278f] “We’ll see you there.”[/color] Kaylee replies, before making the jump to hyperspace.