[center][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/Trixy.png[/img][/center] Béatrix sat and had coffee with the little family, [i]her[/i] family, and caught up on lost time. Lucas spoke about his work briefly and how he would soon be traveling to Germany on business. Of course, Trixy offered her advice on where to go while he was there. In her 630 years, she had done quite a bit of traveling, especially after Francis died. It helped keep her mind busy, not happy, but busy. Camille talked about how her school was trying to incorporate learning about the history and culture of supernaturals into the classroom and that she was a frontrunning supporter of the cause, of course. France was one of the first countries to open their arms wide in acceptance of the sups; France, Sweden, Finland, and other similar countries. Progress was still slow, though, there was a lot of fear and hatred to plow through, and rightly so. Emma also talked up a storm, and she stole the spotlight as 4-year-old’s are often known to do. Still wearing her sparkly tutu, she offered to perform the dance she had learned in rehearsal that night. Trixy insisted that, of course she wanted to see it! And so, little Emma did her thing, wobbling a little after a few quick spins and then curtsying. “Bravo! Vous êtes une jolie ballerine!” Béatrix cheered and the little girl smiled with stars in her eyes. Trixy’s impromptu visit had set Emma’s dinner plans behind, so they just ordered in, she even mentioned a place that delivered blood if Trixy was looking to stay longer. “That is good to know. I will be in town for another day, but I think I will spend this night at home. It has been too long.” It was her turn to have stars in her eyes. For a moment, she had wondered what it was that ever convinced her to leave this place. “Thank you for hosting me. This time spent with you has done more for me than you can know.” Camille stood up and hugged Béatrix tightly. Lucas was kind and loving, but it was Cami who treated Trixy more like family. [i]”We do hope you’ll be back soon.”[/i] Cami said as she looked lovingly towards her husband before subconsciously touching her hand to her stomach. Trixy noticed, of course, but the shocking thing was that she hadn’t noticed sooner. Just under Camille’s heartbeat, she could hear it, the gentle fluttering of a fetal heart. Trixy’s lips parted in awe, what a precious moment, and she was honored to be there to hear it. She wondered if Lucas knew yet, but then Cami spoke up [i]“You’ll need to be here to meet Emma’s little brother.”[/i] “A boy? You know?” Trixy asked enthusiastically and Camille chuckled. [i]“Well, not officially. But a mother always knows.”[/i] Cami blushed a glowing pink. “Congratulations! That is wonderful news. I promise to come home as you as you send word of his birth.” Trixy said as before hugging Camille again, and Lucas as well. [i]”And maybe next time, you won’t be coming alone.”[/i] Lucas spoke up. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that he noticed, perceptiveness seemed to be a Delacroix trait. Trixy’s eyes flicked to her wrist and for the first time, she didn’t fear it. “Maybe.” was all she said in reply before saying goodbye to Emma at last. “I hope you send your Tata an invitation to your first recital.” Emma enthusiastically promised that she would and Trixy waved one final time before leaving. [center][i]~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~[/i][/center] Trixy awoke in the comfort of her feather bed in the small castle in the woods that she and Francis had stayed in for a time. It wasn’t the one he was murdered in, of course, but a small summer home that was equally as old. Trixy had paid a good sum of money to have it modernized and restored as the years went by, and it was the perfect little retreat for her. She stepped out onto the balcony wearing nothing but the gossamer nightgown she had slept in and took in the view of the morning sun kissing the tops of the trees that surrounded her. The air was so much cleaner than that of New York, and for once her mind was clear of cluttering thoughts, be it her own or others’ around her. Béatrix stepped back inside and swiped up her cell phone before heading back onto the balcony and sitting in the chair that was out there. She stared at the phone in her lap and pictured the number as perfectly as she had seen it on the computer at work. She pondered what was the right thing to say… Was there even a right thing to say? Would it creep him out that she had his number? Would that even matter? After forcing out a deep exhale, Trixy decided on a taking a picture of the breathtaking sunrise peeking through the forest and sending it with the following caption: “Wish you were here, Wolf.” [@Argetlam350]