[center] [hider=rechonq's machine] Name: Drake Carter Alias: Crater Age: 17 Appearance: [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Genos.(One.Punch.Man).full.1525971.jpg[/img] Gender: Male Powers/equipment: His robotic body. His body is made of a very solid titanium-carbon alloy. He was built to be able to survive a lot of extreme conditions. He can currently withstand extreme heat and cold. He has a great amount of strength, but it can only grow if he is upgraded. His eyes were also replaced and he has 20x telescopic vision and heat vision. His palms and feet have are equipped to give off a blast of energy. The blasts can be harnessed in three ways; propulsion, plasma blast, and energy ray. The propulsion is just a blast that voilently launches the air from his hands and feet. The plasma blast can be charged, but is harder to control as it gets larger. The energy ray is weaker than the blast, but it is contiuos. His power source is a very advanced arc reactor, or more like three that work in sync. The reactors power different aspects of his body and swap roles as more power is lost from one. The reactors could power his body for several years, but extreme use puts stress on them that requires a new set about twice a year. Weakness: He's relatively new so quite a bit until he updates his equipment. Such as water, Electricity, EMPs, etc. Personality: Driven, Random, Blunt. He's quick to run into battle, unless someone tells him to think. As much as he would like to just wing it, he realizes he needs to have a plan normally before going in. He tends to make light of serious situations. History: Drake was caught in a serious accident during an anti superhuman attack. Rioters violently attacked a super genius, but he fortunately managed to escape. He found Drake in his dire situation and took the child to save him. Most of Drake's body had been burnt, crushed or separated. Several of his internal organs were in serious condition. His head fortunately hadn't sustained any serious damage. The genius spent several days operating on Drake making him who he is today. Ninety percent of his body is now mechanical. He often meets with the scientist asking for repairs and upgrades to his equipment. The genius is what he holds closest as true family. Other: He joined the UTT soon after he also became the target of the anti superhuman agenda. It pains him to see how people can be so shortsighted and reckless in their hatred against the superhumans. [/hider] [/center]