Drake had heard about the meeting of a teen superhuman force just north of him. The genius suggested that he go. It wouldn't be that far anyways. The genius lived in Pennsylvania so if any serious repairs were needed they could take him back to the genius. He could make minor repairs on himself well enough. He set off a day before the meeting was supposed to take place. He could have used his powers to arrive there in no time, but he decided to save his energy, literally. He got more excited as he got closer wondering what this group was going to be like. [i][color=fff200]I wonder what powers the others are going to have? Are they going to be weird? Oh, this is probably going to be fun.[/color][/i] As he approached the building several teens were outside engaging each other. They all looked pretty weird, but he was one to talk. He was basically a robot. As he approached he started to really take in the strange scene. A snake had spit out a raccoon in front of the other teens and gave it to a smaller snake and then dreadlocks knocked him on the head. The other two were seriously disgusted by this turn of events and looked just about ready to run. Now a cat was making an appearance and more teens were up in a tower talking about her. It looked like some weird glob, more dreadlocks, some purple hair and someone lacking. Drake was starting to feel significantly more normal. He heard the cat trying to talk in some severely broken english. [color=fff200][i]She you older gotham broke what? She's obviously not thinking.[/i][/color] Then there was another teen in the background. She looked relatively normal as she got out of her car. She was hanging back a little bit behind the freak show. Which as Drake approached the group of teens on the ground he felt something weird in the air. He felt rejuvenated, like he wasn't necessarily gaining energy, but none of his energy was draining either. The feeling got stronger as he got closer to the group, but soon it veered off. It was coming from the normal one in the back. He completely bypassed the other group and went right up to her to introduce himself. [b][color=fff200]"Hi, I'm Drake. This might be abrupt, but I can feel your superpower. What is it exactly?"[/color][/b]