"[b][color=00746b]God forbid this place be an office building or something that I can just catch a train too. Be too much like right. Nah, let's have our hideout be in the middle of some god forsaken forest.[/color][/b]" Mao Everett muttered tiredly as he sauntered towards the location that he'd been given. Despite the young man's complaints, Mao understood perfectly why there was a need for such secrecy; he and his kind were hardly welcome in a public setting, and with violent outbursts against metahumans on the rise it certainly paid to have a meeting spot out of view of the public. Mao understood that, but understanding did little to sooth his displeasure over the fact that he'd just spent the better part of three and a half hours on a greyhound to New York before going on foot with his belongings for another half hour to reach the location marked on his GPS app. Mao was tired, he was hungry, and he really wanted nothing more than to go back home to his ruddy little apartment in Delaware. The young malcontent's discomfort with the change in scenery and increase in activity were brushed to the side as he came upon a group of people that appeared to be around his age range standing in front of a large entry way. Mao paused momentarily as he pondered about what he exactly he should say to the group. If they were here for the same reason that he was then it was safe to assume that he'd be working with them frequently, all the more reason to give them a proper first impression. His phone announced his arrival for him, it's screen flashing to life before a cheery little voice chimed in with '[i]You have arrived at your destination[/i]'. Being lost in thought Mao jumped a bit and dropped his phone right onto a rock as his muscles reacted before his brain could catch up. He grimaced as he picked up the phone and observed the series of cracks that spiderwebbed over the screen "[color=00746b][b]Well isn't [i]that[/i] just lovely?[/b][/color]".