[center][h1][color=aquamarine]Xercas[/color][/h1] and [h1][color=crimson]Harold[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] "[color=aquamarine] That we are. And as you noticed, Harold doesn't have any restraint of what is food or not.[/color]" He patted the smaller teens head with a grin. Harold went up to Kimberly and flickered his tongue out at her to taste her scent. "[color=crimson]You taste like grass and leaves.[/color]" Harold circled around Kimberly, flickering his tongue every now and again to get get a better taste of her. Xercas watched with a smirk, knowing this was Harold's way of introducing himself than speaking. Harold stopped for a moment before he pulled out two of his corn snakes from his coat to show them to the younger teens. "[color=crimson]Do you like snakes?[/color]" He waited for a reply, hoping, just hoping that these two won't run off or say something that may hurt his feelings. He looked at Xercas, who only smiled in return.