[color=9e0b0f][h3] Elizabeth Parks [/h3][/color] Elizabeth stared at the Wraith, unspeaking the whole time. She gave the Adjutants a sour look after he left. "Don't forget to do what [i] I [/i] told you to do either." She commanded, and swept out of the room quickly. She hit the street. The sooner she caught wind of the rival nest, the better. And she knew exactly where to start. She went around back and hailed her carriage, elegantly ascending inside. It was still dark out; perfect time for vampires. She swept the red light district, looking for any signs of alliegence free vampires that she could question. She knew these streets like the back of her hand, and she knew that vampires who fed wildly in the London night knew things that no others could know. They knew which areas to avoid, and they would know exactly where other large congregations of vampires would be lurking. Waiting. Waiting for Elizabeth to sniff out and report to her own Nest. [@Viciousmarrow] [@lovely complex]