[h3]Vikas Helsing[/h3] Vikas feels someone walking behind him. He was tempted to turn around, but doesn't sensing that the one behind him isn't going to do any damage to him. Most likely they were hiding from someone...or something. As he continues walking he feels the familiar feeling of hunger creep back to him. With a look passing through his eyes he continues waking. He is half tempted to turn around and deal with whoever is following him...instead he turns his head a bit and studies the girl following him. She looks very much like a peasent...with hay yellow hair. Her blue eyes were quite pretty though. He does a quick discret nostril flare and memorized her scent..in case she leaves and something chases her. Subconsciously he ends up in front of a Caberet, his hunger clearly taking over. He faces it for a few moments...as if fighting an internal battle for awhile. Before he could go in though, a woman approaches him. He takes in her appearance and tilts his head. *must be asking about the girl following me* he decides to play his own facade. "A girl? No...I've been walking here alone." His velvety soft voice passes along the lie smoothly with no hint of it being what it is. He studies the woman in front of him for a few seconds before allowing his eyes to slowly move back to his destination. If he was attacked he would be able to react fairly quickly. This woman seemed rather dangerous...even with the elegant garb she adorned. He wasn't even tempted to pick pocket her. He did notice how close her body was to his though..and that made thinking a teensy bit difficult. [@Viciousmarrow]