Devin simply nodded as Celina explained her situation. It wasn't really likely for a Togepi to be on a ship, but, Devin believed her. She then began talking about what we could do to help, probably in exchange for letting us stay here. [color=8882be]"I don't really know who Siward is, but he helped save me from those muggers, so he wanted me to do a favor for him. Now that I think of it, he's quite the mysterious type of person."[/color] Devin then started talking about being a team. He then remembered Celina talking about helping out... [i]OH NO![/i] Devin wasn't ready to get out there, he just needed a place to stay, but with him being tha passive Pokemon he is, he just nodded. [color=8882be]"Well... I don't know, I hadn't really thought about it. It could be something to do with dragons, and flying, and eggs... Like, the Flying Dragon Eggs."[/color] There was then a knock on the door. Devin opened it, expecting it to be the attendant at the desk, but no. It was another new Pokemon. Devin cried inside, meeting new people wasn't his favorite thing, and he wasn't very good at it. [color=8882be]"H-hello there. My name is D-Devin... Um... Hi?"[/color] Devin mentally slapped himself in the face. [i]Worst introduction ever! Actually... No. I remember that one time, that girl on the swings at the park introduced herself to me... Dear god that was bad.[/i] [@Lugia][@Evanist][@The_Written_John]