[center][b]Northern Intersection[/b][/center] Aedin wrinkled his face with a frustrated expression. Everything here looked the same. Intersection here. Garbage there. Hallways everywhere. He stretched his hurting arm a bit as he looked down each hallway. He pulled out the hatchet he recovered from the dead person and used the blade to scratch in a horizontal line at eye level. If nobody was looking for it, there was no way that they'd see the line without a good light. Aedin definitely didn't want to get lost here, so he wanted to have clear markers to help him get back to his bed. He especially didn't care for the feeling that he was being watched, but at the moment there was little he could do about that. He muttered to himself. [b]"You know, I don't know what's better. Living on the street or living here. For all I know this might be a step up."[/b] Especially if he could figure out some system that kept him alive. Once he finished putting in the line in the wall, he took the west corridor without a second thought. He knew he'd figure out how the place was laid out, he just needed the time to get used to the area.