Mithias sat up, indignant. "I hate you Drac." True or not, Mithias suddenly had a lot to process. He grit his teeth, knowing what Drac said was true, as far as he Drac believed it himself, but Mithias didn't like it one little bit. He came back with a punishing retort. "Don't you dare try to pin this end of existence on me. If you hadn't gone after Bob, Ozzy wouldn't be at the tip of my blade, and none of this would be happening right now. And I can't believe you made a deal with... no, wait, of course I can believe it. You sold out to Omega because you ARE a coward, and I don't care if you kill me for saying so. At least I'll go down with my balls firmly attached!" Mithias got up and faced Drac. The vampire was certainly judgmental when he wanted to be and really lacked any kind of temerity in the face of poor odds. Mithias exhaled in a growl, angry, disgusted. His eyes glowed a fiery red that made him look more like a statue than a person. He thought for a moment in the heat of his hatred. "... If you're here to stop Omega, then maybe there is some redemption for you. I'll let Ozzy live, but I won't stand idly by if my friend is threatened. As you know, events hereforth have already been altered. The future as you knew it will no longer play out. I would suggest, Drac, if you are going to hang around in the present, that you DO seek out Bob... and BEG for his assistance."