[@RumikoOhara][@2b3heart] As Drake stood between these two women who obviously had some very deep powers, he was feeling very inadequate. A dark woman just came out of nowhere behind him and this woman is saying that if she touches him, she could probably turn his super advanced cybernetics into a blender. At least he hoped it had to be touch. [b][color=fff200]"Do you mind if I hold that teddy bear right now. It would just make me feel more comfortable, and he looks fun. I want to meet him, yeah."[/color][/b] [i][color=fff200]This isn't how super women act around each other, is it?[/color][/i] He took a step from the center of the two and created a triangle for the three of them to talk to each other. Even though Aria's Titans comment was pointed toward Niki he decided to answer it. [b][color=fff200]"Yes, I am here for the Titans thing. I'm Drake, if you didn't catch that earlier. I'm assuming that's why all of us are here. You can tell some of us are a little more special than others here."[/color][/b] He glanced over at the other group struggling to get through introductions. [b][color=fff200]"Really, how did you get there though?[/color][/b] He turned back to Niki still incredulous at her molecule comment. [b][color=fff200]"So do you have to be touching something to control the molecules, or can you even do it through the air?"[/color][/b] Drake was starting to want to be a part of the special club a few feet away. Both his questions were laced with a hint of worry and concern to them.