[hider=Surprise!][center][img]http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs19/f/2007/235/5/d/Demon_by_Emeraldus.png[/img] [center][h3]"You like what you see?"[/h3][/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RUK31cH.png[/img] [color=red]Don't look at me like that, I didn't think of it[/color] [b]Name:[/b] Alucard [color=red]Old lady called me that, dunno why[/color] [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b]Halfblood [b]Age:[/b] [color=red]Rude[/color]. [color=red]Well I mean if you want to get technical about it[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [color=red]Human right?[/color] [b]Race:[/b] Fallen angel [b]Sexuality:[/b] [color=red]*wink*[/color] [color=red]Guess I could use some work[/color] [b]Year:[/b] 4 [color=red]I can take ya in a fight though.[/color] [b]Ranking Class:[/b] Sorcerer [color=red]Sounds super cool right?[/color] [b]Magic:[/b]Neutra: Yin-Yang Alucard can enhance or weaken things. Anything to be vague. It has to be a balance though, if not an exact one. In exchange for amping his speed and strength Alucard can remove his sense of hearing. In exchange for weakening an opponents magic abilities he enhances their hearing. The amount of change in one thing has to be somewhat in proportion to another. Losing your sense of smell wouldn't do much, but losing your sense of touch would do much more. Of course these things are also relative to the person they are affecting. Someone may lose their eye sight, but can see with their magic, thus not a major lose. Inversely someone may depend on their eye sight to use their magic, making it a far greater lose. [color=red]All of them![/color] [b]Strengths:[/b] Allows him to dictate the terms for any fight he enters into and this doesn't drain his mana very much either. [color=red]None![/color] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] While Alucard can use this magic almost freely, he can only do it within limits. He can't weaken something without strengthening something else. In addition he can only swap up to two things at this point, one for each hand. If he tries to exchange two very unequal things then his power fizzes out and he can't use it for up to a day, in addition to becoming physically drained. [color=red]Kinda creepy really[/color] [b]Catalyst:[/b] Yin on the top of his hand and yang on the bottom of one hand and the inverse on the other. The lines appear to be carved into his flesh. [color=red]Its actually really useful[/color] [b]Inventory:[/b] A pen and a pack of sticky notes, and a credit card with an undisclosed amount of money on it. [b]Familiar:[/b] [color=red]You volunteering?[/color] [b]Squad Name:[/b] - [b]Are They The Leader Of The Squad?:[/b] [color=red]Eh?[/color] [b]Pesonality:[/b] Alucard is somewhat, well arrogant and narcissistic. Confident in his own skills and the inferiority of others. He tends to come off that way as well. Alucard enjoys flirting and many hobbies, mainly he detests being bored. Despite his awareness that everyone is inferior to him he is very curious and likes learning things about other people and things. In particular he keeps track of every kind of magic he has ever encountered, he sometimes thinks about writing a book. [b]Backstory:[/B] Alucard's first memory was waking up in an alley, with nothing and him but the clothes on his body, a credit card, and his name. Finding himself rather hungry he immediately went to purchase some food and found his credit card had a limit of undefined. The rest is rather simple. Having no idea of his past and no idea where he wanted his future to be Alucard ended up traveling around the world, going where ever whimsy took him. After a couple years he ran into an old lady who explained to him the nature of his tattoos and the power he had. Initially Alucard brushed it off but experimented with it over the next few year, slowly becoming proficient in its use. After pulling a stunt that got a little too much attention he got the offer of jail-time or Liseranna academy. Remembering that jail was incredibly boring after the first few hours Alucard accepted the invitation.[/center][/hider]