Kim wasn't enthused by X's response, but she hadn't been expecting anything different. She still didn't trust X, given that he/she/they/it was a mysterious being with unknown motivations and powers, but X didn't seem openly malevolent. Even if they were, their dice had incredible potential. Kim thought about all the things she'd told herself to accept, to give up on, because no amount of determination could change them. No matter what she did, she was biologically short - nothing she did could change her DNA. Even though she practiced more hours than anyone else, all her hard work had been useless in the face of other gymnasts' pure talent. Ultimately, most people lived mundane lives, achieving neither wealth or fame, making no mark on the world, and Kim was most people. She had forced herself to believe that it didn't matter that she was short and ugly, that she should give up on being a gymnast, and that she could be content with an boring, unspectacular existence. Perhaps that had even been true before, but now that she had the dice, Kim knew that she would never give up on herself. She had the power to be whoever she wished and do whatever she wanted, and she would grab it with both hands. She opened up her phone and looked at the Quests tab again. Kim had thought that her interest in gymnastics was dead and gone, but attending one more competition wouldn't hurt. Maybe it would even reignite her passion; it wasn't too late to try again. If she remembered correctly, there was a regional-level competition going on at the gymnastics center across town. It was casual enough that anyone could just walk in and register without being part of a pre-approved team; that was good, since she only had a week to prepare. Kim headed out and took the bus over to the center, mentally preparing her training regime. After she disembarked at the closest bus stop to the training center, Kim noticed a street performer with a music box. Normally, she wouldn't have stopped, but this young man was especially talented. She checked her watch - it was still early enough that the gymnastics center might not be open to the public yet. Since Kim had some extra time, she allowed herself to stand nearby and enjoy the performance. During a lull in the music, Kim stepped forward and dropped a bill into his hat.