It was the night before Arda began her journey to Sayrn, she met with some would-be rebels that Kron had told her about. They pack supplies and equipment onto some camels before setting off. For the past few weeks of their travel through the hot sand dunes, the rebels had asked her questions about herself, which she did not answer. Often they'd shoot lecherous looks at her since pale skin wasn't common in these parts and she was pretty attractive too, but they didn't try anything because they knew who she was. The Iron Maiden. Known in Alros as some phantom woman who dispatches of those who try to apprehend or disturb her. Some people had even used her name as a way to scare little children to keep them out of the alleyways. The day before making it to Sayrn, they had told Arda that she would be posing as a greenhorn merchant, giving her the necessary documents to say that she was. Upon reaching the gate the next morning, as she was told, they were stopped by the guardsman to check their documents. "Sooo.. You're Amy Sinor. Hailing from Alros as a trader..?" the guardsman said slowly as he read the documents. "Yes." She replied simply. The guardsman gave her a scrutinizing look before asking another question, "What wares are you trading?", he gestured to the rather large supply bag on her camel. "Iron Null Crystals." She replied rather blank tone. The guard briefly checked the document again, handing it back to her as one of the other guards confirmed the contents of the bag. "Alright. You can go through." He said with a nod. She gave him a short nod in return, before adjusting her red scarf over her nose and mouth. As the rebels guided Arda through Sayrn, they handed a note to her after reaching the inn. 'Meet at the Statue of the Emperor in the Central Square at noon.' the note said in rather crude handwriting. When she had looked back up from the note, the 'merchants' had already moved away through the crowd. [i]Meet who?[/i] --- Arda explored the city until noon, walking among the streets, alleyways and rooftops. This place was rather dull. Much like Alros, however she noticed many sick people within the alleys, must be the plague that she'd heard of when travelling here. Best not to stay around there for too long. Despite that, she felt a little at home in Sayrn. Just before noon, she sat on the rooftop of a shop which faced the Central Square, she noticed an old man and two men in silver suits standing beside the statue. The sight of them was rather contrasting with the rest of the people that lived in this city. She hopped off the roof, her feet displacing the dust on the stone ground as she landed. Some passerby's gave her a strange look before continuing on their way. Arda adjusted her scarf again as she walked toward the three men. She stopped a few meters away from them, scanning over them with her usual blank gaze. It had a hint of curiosity to it. She wondered if she was meant to meet these three at the statue or meet someone else. The note had too little detail for her to know. So she decided to lean on the statue until someone came to meet her, but as she went to brush past the men, she felt something powerful, something like a spark in her mind. It came from the old man? She stopped in her tracks, stepping back slightly, her gaze staying on the old man. She stared at him in relative silence as she moved back a little more. [i]This must be him.[/i] She thought.