[center][h1][color=f7941d]Mizushima Twins[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [color=hotpink]"Less than half a week."[/color] she murmured to herself as she was shocked that the male in front of her didn't faint at the little time she gave him to make a suit. [color=hotpink]"I wouldn't mind,"[/color] she continued to listen to the tailor. Before she continued to say what she was going to say Hanako stared Quint down, but couldn't go any lower than his waist since he was behind the counter, so she slowly looked back up until she was looking at his face once again. [color=hotpink]"As long as you get the suit done in a week then I wouldn't object to coming in every hour if I have to."[/color] She finally said. [i] Well, he doesn't look bad to say the least. More or less above average, and could possibly be a male model if he was given a few smooth skin care products along with a touch-up here and there. [/i] Hanako was contemplating the fact that Quint could pose for a model due to the fact that she needed a male model for her store, and was considering him for it. Even if it wasn't a possibility he'd ever do it since his shop says a lot about who he is, and he doesn't look to be heading in that direction anytime soon. She sighed as the male in front of her pulled out a small pair of scissors to cut the small, practically non-existent string from her short blouse sleeve. [color=hotpink]"Oh, thank you."[/color] she'd inspect the sleeve real quick as if there was something else to it, and then grabbed the card with his number on it from the counter. Hanako would look at the card, and then look back up in time to see the faint smile he'd give her. [color=hotpink]"Oh, er, yeah,"[/color] She quickly looked the other way to keep from blushing. [i]Guess he doesn't smile often?[/i] [color=hotpink]"Yes, I'll let you g- ah- you can go to lunch now!"[/color] Hanako clumsily said as she began to walk backwards. [color=hotpink]"Have a neat lunch-oh!"[/color] As she had turned to leave the shop she had bumped into the door frame of the place. [color=hotpink]"Right, the door."[/color] Hanako rubbed the door frame a bit to make sure she didn't damage it then waved at Quin as she finally made her way out of his shop. Aiko was walking around the store looking at different kind of things when he turned to see 2 people doing...something. It was strange to figure out what exactly they were doing, but he figured it'd be rude to ask when this wasn't his store. Aiko turned back to a simple gadget that was intriguing enough for him to pick up, but let it slip in between his hands onto the floor. A split second later another object fell to the floor after the first one, and another, and then another up until there were more than 3 items on the floor. Aiko, trying to be a ninja was attempting to catch them all, but failed. At first, he stood there in shock at how so many items can fall right after the other, but then began to slowly pick them up in case one were to break halfway through putting it back. [color=yellow]"I think it's time to go back to my store."[/color] he whispered to himself without looking back to see if the manager of this store was aware of what just happened. [@ZeroEnder010] As Hanako made her way back to her own store she would stuff her face with the small pastry she had gotten at the cafe a few minutes earlier. After that she'd gulp down the whole beverage that came along with the pastry, and would see the other workers waiting for her. "Are you okay?" one of the staff members would ask her. [color=hotpink]"I'm fine."[/color] she'd answer without looking the coworker in the eyes. "Are you sure? your face is-" [color=hotpink]"I'm fine!"[/color] Hanako quickly unlocked the doors, and pushed them open. [color=hotpink]"Prepare your stations!"[/color] She'd then say; quite upset. The staff looked at her for a second, but then began to re-arrange their islands for customers who were already starting to walk in. Hanako would in the meantime walk to the main checkout area at the back of the small store, and stand behind it while trying to forget his smile. She'd then pull out his business card to see what to call him when she'd return in a few minutes for the measurements. [color=hotpink]"Tachibana Quint, such a strange name..."[/color] [@Major Ursa]