[center] [h3] [color=9e0b0f]Zell the Staravia[/color] [/h3] Listening to the pathetic yaps from the vulpix simply made Zell stretch a much wider, much more smug grin, there was no way that little fool was smart, this as straight up absolute mindless stupidity spewing from the kids mouth like vomit, and every time he yipped, it slowly angered him, though he wasn't going to resort to hitting a weakling, not unless he attacked first and instead focused his attention on the people around his presence. Knowing he definately turned a few heads, Zell tilted his head up and addressed the large Pangoro in a sly, dark tone, while kicking off the doors handle to prop himself on the counter, buffing his chest outward to display his glistening feathers much more prominently. He liked how the big guy was acting, so tough, head on his shoulders, not giving into his whims so easily or becoming scared, it was nice to find someon who wasnt a total wimp. [color=9e0b0f]"You're really not good at this whole negotation thing, are you...? I happen to like a lot of sugar in my diet... So you're no exactly... Helping yourself..."[/color] Zell lapped at his beak, continuing to stare with a heavy glare of intimidation, until he one of his eyes spotted gale like a spotlight, those sharp eyes of his pircing throuh her own with a single glance, before looking away and back at her old man. [color=9e0b0f]"Heh but by all meals, prove to me your "culinary chops" are better than yourself, and i'll concider that as your apology for scaring this dumb shit of a vulpix... However if not... Well... I wont spoil~"[/color] [@lugia] [@ordure] [@bright_ops] [h3] [color=00aeef]Brandish the Piplup[/color] [/h3] Brandished bowed apologetically, giving devin a wide happy smile, he knew knocking on the door was rather abrupt but he couldnt stave off the notion that perhaps the pokemon wasnt feeling the best, or if he was feeling okay, wanted to get him feeling like a member of the town and not some stranger, a new friend would definately make his day! Atleast that's what Brandish thought! [color=00aeef]"Im sorry I knocked the door so suddenly! I noticed you all coming in, and i assumed you were all not from here! Maybe from another town? My names Brandish! Im a .. Well i hope to become a hero! And i wanted to say hi and greet you all! Its nice to meet you Devin and your friends!"[/color] The kind piplup took his clawed little hand usin a flipper and hook it, giggling cutely at the pokemon, before pulling his flippers back, hoping he made a good first impression. [color=6ecff6]"Even though we may not know eachother, i'd like to be your friend!"[/color] [@lugia] [@evanist] [@abysmaldemon] [/center]