[hider=Stella Vanessa Vi Hyrule][center][color=ed145b]Name:[/color] Stella Vanessa Vi Hyrule [color=ed145b]Age:[/color] 24 [color=ed145b]Gender:[/color] Female [color=ed145b]Race:[/color] Hylian [color=ed145b]Role:[/color] Royal Blood, Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom [color=ed145b]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Stella][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1387/1fe73becf41a703b2e2ab7f7be4676cade7e3db7.png?1453291[/img][/hider] [hider=Royal Dress][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/215b/f/2015/252/7/6/hyrule_warriors___princess_zelda_by_elisetrinh-d990202.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=ed145b]Personality:[/color] Stella is a very demure young lady. Having grown up as a princess she has been taught etiquette, politeness, and other such noble qualities. She holds great love for the people and can be a bit naïve at times. When one talks to her they can easily feel like they are in a noble and grand presence. This is but one facet of her personality however. When she has no need to be in ‘royal’ mode, Stella can be quite off the wall curious and can show her spoiled side. Unafraid to ask question, ready to test new waters, and go where no noble has gone before. She isn’t trying to be annoying or anything but her exuberance and endless curiousity no doubt can get on people’s nerves. In the end she is still a young girl at heart. [color=ed145b]Special Item:[/color] Nayru’s Love [color=ed145b]Weapon:[/color] Stella wields powerful light magics that have the ability to pierce even the deepest darkness. Light magic includes: Light [obviously], powerful light rays, orbs of light, according to her heritage she should also have the ability to transform arrows into the divine Light Arrows but she has yet to gain this ability. As for an actual weapon, Stella carries a fencing sword which she can combine with her light magic. [color=ed145b]History:[/color] Stella Vanessa Vi Hyrule was born into the Royal Family of Hyrule. As the heir to the kingdom a lot is expected of her and like so many queens/princesses before her has inherited the Triforce of Wisdom. As a princess she has been raised quite strictly and meticulously in an effort to groom her into the perfect successor. Her birth was a little of a surprise because of one very interesting fact, her black hair. Since the beginning of Hyrule’s royal lineage the royal family has always been blondes or brunettes. Stella however, was born with black hair and partly for this reason was not named Zelda like many of her ancestors. Her appearance actually caused quite a stir in the royal court and the land, some rumors even circulating that Stella was the Queen’s illegitimate child or that the King had a secret lover. Thankfully these remained as rumors only though there are always some conspiracy theories of course. Still there can be little doubt that Stella is indeed of royal lineage due to her affinity for light magic and being the inheritor of the Triforce of Wisdom. Whatever the truth she is the heir to the Kingdom and no one should forget that. Still, because of her unique position and appearance the royal household is not always stable. [color=ed145b]Song:[/color] [url=https://youtu.be/L7egFhuObEo]Romance in the Air[/url] [color=ed145b]Other:[/color] Stella is a rapid fan of stories and keeps a huge collection of books in her quarters. Not only books but she can easily get engrossed in someone's storytelling, quickly losing track of time. [/center][/hider]