Day 16 | Midday | Lvl: 11 Emperor yawned loudly as he strolled into the tavern, he looked around and adjusted his bandana. He had been spending the day strolling around and looking out for rumors or teams needing help, he hadn't had much luck with either of these so far. He had at least managed to make a bit of gold by designing a nice looking cloak for some chaps guild and he'd been able to use the money from that to pick up more supplies and such. It had been over 2 weeks and Emperor was still adjusting to this world, He was often plagued with thoughts of his own mortality in his evenings but even so he knew he had to go out into danger in order to get stronger so that he would survive and make it out of here. All he wanted right now was some friends, people he could use to help him forget about the problems and the fear. He let out a sigh as he walked further into the tavern. A voice amongst the din suddenly caught his attention 'Wait...' he thought 'Did I just hear... untouched treasure? Hidden location? Oh christ this sounds like an adventure if I ever heard one!'. As Emperor looked over to the voice he noticed it came from a group of three people talking in a booth, they all looked kinda tough and well equipped. Nerves hit Emperor 'Jeeze I can't just go and tell some folks I was eavesdropping on them... can i? Shit I'm gonna have to... no chance of getting anywhere without trying... well here goes nothing i guess...'. Emperor hesitated for a few moments before swallowing his fears and approaching the three players placing his hands down on the table and leaning into it a little, trying his best at doing a disarming smile. "Hey sorry I couldn't help overhearing... there was mentions of a path hidden in the gorge? You guys want some extra help with it at all?" he said, trying his best to keep nerves out of his voice. He was very unsure how they would react he figured he'd either get told to piss off or get punched in the face. But what was life without a little risk? [@pockets][@DestinyStar][@Zelosse]