[h3][center]Niel Grace[/center][/h3] Niel took a brief break, breathing a bit heavily. Break-dancing was fun and good for attracting people, but draining. He'd been considering whether he should pick anyone out to be his friend and how to go about it. Then he saw a girl about as tall as him, he'd always been a runt, oddly enough she was a bit more stocky than he was. She dropped a bill in his hat and Niel took advantage off this opportunity to attempt to make his first new friend. She walked with a certain, grace, to her steps, contrary to her appearance that suggested she had skills similar to his own. Niel got to his feet in an elaborate twirl of movement, his cloak flourishing making the movement all the more impressive, and extended his hand to her. [b]"Care to join me in the next dance? I have a feeling you'll catch on quick."[/b] Niel asked with a winning grin. On the other hand he could be totally wrong. That'd happened before. Nothing ventured nothing gained though. Plus he was the most presentable he'd been in weeks, The next song was already starting, the sorta music that played to a foxtrot. Not that Niel knew what a foxtrot was be he knew the steps to the music. Normally he did it by himself and it was more of a joke piece than anything else. If she did join him Niel knew the steps well enough that even if she didn't he could lead her along enough that it would look good. Unless she was really clumsy and accepted his offer. Then this might be embarrassing.