[b]Day 16, Late-Afternoon-Midnight[/b] [color=00a651]Edgar_Walther[/color] [@BlackPanther] [color=8882be][i]Edgar, accepted, a tad woozily, and took a moment to be sure the last of the stun effect was gone, before thanking Reaper for his help and tackling the next bug in sight, this time with cunning in place of his earlier brashness. He worked carefully to learn the how best to fight these armored opponents with his spear and shield. In a way he wasn't so different from them, with his shield skill offering a damage nerf to his opponents and his spear skill allowed him to deal massive damage when he successfully hit a weak point. He hadn't really needed to look for weak spots on the wild dogs, but against these armored opponents, he'd have trouble doing anything without hitting their weak points consistently. As the day wore on though he became more proficient at dealing with the giant pests. As the sun set, Edgar was just below level eight, and they seemed to be about a hundred meters from their destination, according the rough map he had acquired in town. He wanted to get to the mine tonight, and so kept moving forward even as night came and the mobs changed accordingly. The biggest change was their speed, which had received a significant boost, Edgar estimated that the speed was as much as double the day time value for most of the mobs, as he continued to fight his way cautiously towards the mine. They also had bigger threat range, the range at which the mobs would notice a player an threaten to attack. This was almost a serious issue, as Edgar didn't pay enough attention to his surroundings in one of the first night fights, and unexpectedly aggro'd a second mob before the first was finished. Reaper and Anubis kept him alive as he slowly learned the best ways to fight his opponents for which he was particularly grateful, remembering that he'd almost decided to make the trip alone. Though out the day they'd seen several players running through the gorge and hunting the mobs, but now it was just Edgar and Reaper out, except for the occasional player headed back for Bull's Run. When the two finally made it to the mine, after a fighting several elite versions of the usual mobs, Edgar was almost halfway through level eight. He wondered how things would be different in the mines. Outside the mines was a large clear space, with no mobs, where he and Reaper currently stood looking at the entrance and the two guards standing by it. All the information Edgar had on the mine was from day time excursions, and those seemed difficult enough, but Reaper and Anubis were real game changers, with them here it might not matter that it was night. They'd certainly kept the gorge from swallowing him whole several times so far.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]"What do you think? Should we go in now or wait until morning? The koblods are supposed to be relatively weak individually, but they're almost always calling more mobs to join the fight. So you either have to kill them quickly or find a way to silence them, or risk fighting the entire mine at once. And no one's really sure just how big the mine is. They might all be asleep now, or there might be even more of them working than usual. I'm not sure how this game deals with miners and shifts. Should we risk it?"[/color]