[@Nytem4re] [@Viciousmarrow] [@Neko Sensei] [@BlackPanther] As Greg trudged along, he started small talk with his new friend, [color=a0410d]"Little Lyla loved by Master. Master strange vomen and loves Virgin Lyla, but Lyla is hermit. Do dark man have master?"[/color] The creature started to pick at his peeling, dead skin on his arm, as he continued with his croaky voice, [color=a0410d]"Master vent this vay. Maybe found Little Lyla?" [/color] Greg was a man of simple thoughts, especially since he didn't remember much of his past. Anything beyond when he met Magdalena was lost in the abyss of his mind. [center][b]-[/b][/center] [color=0076a3]"A girl? No...I've been walking here alone."[/color] The handsome man responded to the vampiress coolly. Her lips slightly curved up, this man must of had to lie many times before. One thing Magdalena was good at was detecting a lie, but it has taken many years of her studying the human body and mind to master such skill. One of her great feats that gave her respect from Ravnos was that she caught a traitor within the Coven, who shared some of Marc's plans to an outside source. The dark-haired man smelled of fresh cut pine bough and pine cone wreath. It was like a combination of balsam and patchouli combined with natural spruce and cedar wood... like the month of December. If it wasn't for Magdalena being near Lyla everyday, finding her scent would be quite challenging, especially since the dhampir had Grangrel blood in her and not Ravnos'. However, Lyla's flourishing allegiance to Marc helped her scent stand out throughout the rest. Due to the Guardian having a direct link to Marc Ravnos, she could feel the beating heart of someone who would die for him. Of course, if Lyla had gotten more than a few miles away... the search would take a lot longer. Everyone, humans and vampires alike, had a scent to their blood, some more distinct than others. Lyla's blood was the only person Magdalena knew that smelled like cinnamon... While the vampiress herself smelled like a Burek, a Serbian pita-meat pie: a strong aroma of many meats (lamb, beef, and pork) and filo dough. A young-looking, fancy boy entered the picture. He smelled like a French crepe with chocolate-hazelnut spread. The sweet scent reminded her when Dr. Dippel returned from France and brought with him the recipe for this delicacy. The boy that looked around Lyla's age crashed into the dark-haired man and fell onto the floor, bottoms first. [color=6ecff6]"Ah! Pardon, Monsieur! Je suis desolé!"[/color] Tonight was a busy night for the red light distract. Lena let her eyes roam to see if there were people... possibly vampires... watching this scene take fold, especially a Grangrel since this was their territory. One must never let their guard down because someone could come out the shadows and strike. The pedestrians seemed oblivious to the commotion in front of the famous, Cabaret Voltaire. Her eyes peered down at the pretty boy. She let her unnerving, even-tempered stare pierce his, [color=00a651]"You work this area? Sad that little boy puts looks to waste." [/color] Magdalena assumed the boy was a male prostitute for special, perverted male customers. It seemed like the logical reason for a boy with his looks, what else would he be doing here? She brought her attention back to her original suspect hiding her cinnamon-blood pet. [color=0076a3]"I apologize for the interruption...as I was saying...I haven't seen a girl..let alone a girl named Lyla."[/color] Stepping a little back, to allow him to think properly, she purred,[color=00a651] "Apologies. Little girl will make father sad."[/color] From behind her, she could smell the strong odor of burnt plywood coming near, Greg's [i]lovely[/i] fragrance, with the dark man from earlier. Greg went straight to the sweet-smelling boy, immediately intrigued by the chocolate that entered his nose. He knelt down to the snow haired boy and offered his gloved hand, he beamed his dimples on his skinny face and revealed surprisingly healthy, pearl teeth, [color=a0410d]"Master, I keep him?" [/color] While everyone was distracted by Greg's and the dark man's appearances, Lyla took the opportunity to slip into the door to her left, not realizing what she was entering (Cabaret Voltaire). [sub][snippet added by Viciousmarrow, which will lead to his post][/sub] [color=00a651]"Greg, maybe 'nother time. We need find little girl. You look 'round, I get food for you in Voltaire."[/color] She looked at the bigger man (Vikas), who she had yet learned his name, and asked, [color=00a651]"Would like join eating prime rib? Lyla is little girl who gets lost. After food, I find her."[/color] She turned to the dark skinned man (Locke) and the chocolate smelling boy (Laurent), extending her offer, [color=00a651]"Come if like, or stay with Greg."[/color] She gestured to the cabaret. Vampires can get a temporal dose of blood anywhere if you knew where and what to order. Cabaret Voltaire was known for their bloody, prime rib, plus she knew one of the waiters. He had shared with her the "special" which is only provided on special occasions but if you ask for it, it will be received (a bottle of snake wine infused with blood...an odd Chinese drink).