Day 16 ][ Midday ][ Level up!: 14 Bulwar pondered as to where he could go. He didn't have any business left for the day, so hanging around the marketplace was nigh pointless. He could have gone back to the inn to meet up with the others, but since he already knew the full plan from last night there was no need, as he had nothing to add to the situation at present. [color=9e0b0f][i]Guess that leaves heading out into the field for a bit, and I could use a bit of activity today, so why not.[/i][/color] He got prepped for some solo hunting and headed out the main gate to the forest. As he made his way to the front gate, he pulled up his notes on material orders, and noted on one of his orders in the folder labelled [b]ORES[/b] that at the bottom of the list there was a special ore. [color=9e0b0f]"Luminite? Must be a blacksmith-only ore, that would explain why he waited to talk to me and not Delcastle about it."[/color] Bulwar was a blacksmith, an armorsmith more specifically, as he found it was more efficient monetarily and material-wise to forge his own armor and go out and buy shields, as it took a lot more to buy a set of armor than it did a couple of shields. [color=9e0b0f]Guess if I come across it I'll be fortunate, thankfully it's optional and not required as part of the order.[/color] Bulwar wasn't far off from level 14, as he did a lot of field work while Delcastle did most of the dealing and information gathering, so he decided to set a bit into his next level as his goal for the afternoon. He made his way to the level 11-12 mobs, mostly alpha wolves with a dire bear or two. At first glance one would not expect Bulwar to be an efficient solo player, as his signature was the twin tower shields. A quick inventory flick and one of his shields vanished, only to be replaced by a one-handed sword. He looked down at the sword and smirked, thinking wryly [color=9e0b0f][i]Pretty sure Delcastle is the only one who knows about this sword, I've made sure to only use it during solo missions when noone's around.[/i][/color] He set off to one of the alpha wolves, slamming into it with his shield and quickly spinning to slash it in the legs with his sword to hamstring it. The alpha whimpered but it grew into a growl, howling to the forest, summoning three lesser level 8 wolves. [color=9e0b0f]"Really..."[/color] He sighed and set himself into position. The alpha stayed back while the three lessers lunged at once. Bulwar carefully timed his attacks by turning his shield sideways to slam two of the wolves, and as he followed through with that to turn his blade into the throat of the third, all three shattering into pixels instantaneously. He wiped his brow as the alpha lunged. He angled his shield so he could force the alpha to the ground, pinning it under the shield and slitting its throat with the sword, causing it to shatter into pixels as well. He stood up and glanced at his exp bar, seeing the last kill fill it up and... [b] Ding! Congratulations on gaining level 14![/b] Followed by his stat increases. He was happy and decided to take a small break to see if there was anyone in the area who wanted to party up.