"Simply some commoner..." Zander spoke those words a loud and would have laughed if the knife wasn't pressed at his throat. Then again, he ignored the sting from it's sharp edge, his father had used so much worse on him. His eyes deadened, oh he knew he was busted, but to be forced into doing something he wasn't too keen on doing. That was a whole different kettle of fish. "Do you know why healers are sacred," Zander asked calmly. "Because we do not attack, we do not harm, we only protect and mend and repair. You are asking me, to do something that I can neither help, only hinder." His eyes looked passed Nymira and focused solely on the Machina behind her. "He has more worth than even I, in that area. When I grasped your hand he was ready to strike at me. What can a Healer who uses Seals, help with? Slit my throat, matters not, it'll make the Mayor happy." He needed to get away from this, head back to the Inn perhaps and heal Olga and set off again. Zander forced his eyes away from the Machina that didn't look like a Machina. He could feel waves rolling off him, unlike the other Machina, he seemed to possess a soul. It was something to ponder on his lonely nights, travelling away from the Churches grasp. "As for the calling me a liar," Zander turned his eyes back to Nymira. "When did I ever say [i]I[/i] was the Mayor? The secretary is a common office, therefore she is all and no ones. You call me a liar, I call you overly egotistical. You demand things, and whine when ..." Zander cut himself off and pressed his throat into the blade just enough to have blood trickle down his throat. He made sure she could see he had wounded himself. Made sure only the Machina and the Dimura could see his lack or response to the small cut. Pulling away slowly, it healed as the blade's bite was lessened on his skin. His satchel glowed gently, the Seals at work. "If I help you," Zander proposed. "You will see I am not someone who can use healing for attacking. As I told the mayor, I. Am. No. Magi. A simple priest from a much larger town." He was rambling, his head was light and the memories of what his father had done to him. His mother had done to him. The Church. [i]STOP IT![/i] He shouted in his head. [i]Focus on there here and now... Stop thinking of [u]them[/u] and show this pathetic excuse for a living being why you are of little use![/i] He couldn't make himself stand out, he knew that. This meeting was showing him why he shouldn't heal adults only children and continue his run. He was tired though, tired of sleeping on the earthy floor, tired of so much of running... Was this his one chance to change it? That stray thought brought light back to his deadened eyes. [i]I need change...[/i] "Are we leaving soon," Zander mocked gently. "Or are you going to keep your arm in that position for much longer?" A Seal Paper was between his forefinger and middle, held loosely. He could try to knock her out, but right now, he wanted to see her and the Machina's response. Oh it could kill him, but he'd never have to run again.