[@Eklispe] Kim grinned widely as the crowd applauded around them. That had been the most fun she'd had in a long time. "No, you were the amazing dancer," she said. "I just followed your lead." It was true - he'd done most of the work, and danced smoothly enough that it was easy to keep up with the motions. She thought that he'd be able to go places with those skills someday, if he chose to do so. His next question was just as forward as his first, which Kim appreciated - she preferred getting to the point, instead of talking in circles around it as some were wont to do. She considered the young man in front of her. He had a short stature, light-colored, shaggy hair, and warm brown eyes. His cheerful smile seemed right at home on his face, as though it was an expression he made often. Although she didn't know much about him, from what she did know, he seemed like he'd be a good friend. "Of course I'll be your friend," Kim replied. "My name is Kimberly Le, but you can just call me Kim. I'm a freshman at Madison University, the college just across town." However, as she thought back on them, a few of the things he'd said sounded a little odd. If she was his first friend, did that mean that he didn't have any others? Upon closer examination, his street clothes seemed rather worn and patched, and his shaggy hair looked as though it hadn't been washed for a while. There were numerous other signs that might point towards his being a particularly unkempt youth, or perhaps something more unfortunate. "Wait. What do you mean by 'first friend' and 'wander around'?" she asked. "What kind of circumstances led to your being a street performer?" It wasn't unusual to see people performing on the streets, but Niel seemed a bit young to be traveling on his own for no reason. Kim felt a growing suspicion that she should be concerned for his well-being. A small, selfish part of her wanted to mind her own business and go sign up for the gymnastics competition so that she could get more dice, but she shushed it. Kim didn't consider herself a saint, but she wasn't so self-serving as to abandon a new friend just to gain power a few minutes or hours earlier.