[quote=@tsukune] I feel you - and personally there's a huge difference between typing casually (yo bud, sorry busy today) and liek tis wut i dun evn gt y sho lazy cnt txt prply oi. If you're too lazy to type properly, then I'm too lazy to waste my time cracking my poor brain to read your crappy typo. Duh. And if seeing that in social media messages isn't bad enough, there are even people are writing stories (fan fictions and also original works) exactly like that. Not just English - even other languages like Chinese and Japanese too. I can't keep up with all these modern language trends - and I don't get the hype behind them either. [/quote] I know a fair few schools are failing students for txt-tlk use in exams, assignments and essays. Sadly though, the trend started with people trying to fit a message into a limited character space on the old Nokia phones in order to save money on pre paid plans, and it's just evolved to what it has become now. Funny how technology seems to make more people stupid to so many things...