Igraine arrived at the Royal Cafe drawing much attention due to her unusual sense of fashion. She was often mistaken as 'nouveau riche', since members of 'old money' had generational traditions teaching them how to subtly flaunt their wealth rather than engage in unsightly, gaudy extravagance. Quite frankly, she didn't care what these humans thought; they were cattle to be milked for their blood and nothing more. Maybe they could be turned into vampires, but what was the point of that? Why bless the cattle with vampirism, when vampires had the means to make more of their own? Though she harbored thoughts like these, she didn't make these thoughts public since most of the vampires she knew were 'turned', rather than born like herself. It would have been difficult for Igraine to try to make her way into the Royal Cafe, high-end establishment that it was, they certainly wouldn't serve a 'child' who was not accompanied by a parent, but she didn't need to go inside. As Amaury's scent diminished, the scent of the coca increased, leading south. She wondered what fool would dare to pickpocket Lord Grangrel. Whoever it was, she'd kill him and bring back a piece of him as a trophy and offering to her father. Following the scent trail, Igraine headed south passing within sight of Big Ben and began heading West. Now the trail she had been following was quite faint due to the passage of time, so she was surprised when the scent suddenly got much stronger; the trail was fresh, but it led backwards. With a renewed fervor, Igraine followed the new trail back towards the Clock Tower, and ending up in front of a pharmacy. This brought up so many questions in Igraine's mind: who stole the block, and why did they bring it here? Why did the trail renew? Did whoever stole it walk further and then retrace their steps? Perhaps they were stopped by a police, frisked, and then the police took the unknown substance to be analyzed at the pharmacy. Or maybe someone else is trying to synthesize it. Igraine goes through the front doors, the scent is incredibly strong to her vampire senses, as if the brick was right in front of her. And there he stood, a handsome youth waiting at the counter non-chalantly, the block of coca sitting on the table as if it were some simple, harmless package. Igraine is practically stunned by how bizarre and out of place this situation was, the boy looked to simply be running a small errand, oblivious to the fact that the brick he carried spelled the difference between life and death for Igraine. Igraine reached for the long object she had slung over her shoulder, pulling a string in a knot and letting the string and the burlap covering fall to the ground, revealing a simple but deadly soldier's pike. Brandishing it, she called out, [color=ec008c]"Hey! Boy! You have something of mine!"[/color] [@Akai no Senshi] [hider=Pike][img]http://waterloo200.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/6810-4-9-001-700x500.jpg[/img][/hider]