[u][b]†Alastor Dawnson†[/b][/u] [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Caste:[/b] Northern Berserker [b]Titles:[/b] the Mutilator. The Torturer. The Blood-soaked Beast. Lament-Bringer. Kingslayer. Assassin of the Dawn. The Rageborn. The Undying Vengeance. The Rebel. The All-Killing Flame. [b]Height:[/b] 6'2" [b]Weight:[/b] 210 Lbs [b]Physical Appearance/Stature:[/b] Very Muscular throughout. The Arms, legs and chest aren't just muscle for show; this man has forged through cold winters, lashes, and other things which would have brought other men to their knees. As a result, he is extremely fit, and able to wrestle with even the stoutest of men and beasts. There are many scars littered across his body; each a story, each an opponent, each a failed attempt at his life. Upon his back, as well, there are countless scars from the many times he has been lashed within an inch of his life; but each time, from the bring he returned, with the fire in his eyes growing ever-stronger. A rugged man with Ginger colored hair, an untrimmed, if not poorly trimmed beard, and a wild head of hair, there is a fire in this man's strangely amber-colored eyes reminiscent of a savage beast unleashed from his cage. To those who know his past, they know there is a trail of bodies and a river of blood following this man, and they know that the beast in his eyes hungers for slaughter. He is fearsome to look at, and his smile is perhaps one of the most disturbing things a man could be faced with. As where there's a smile with Alastor, there is usually the mangled, ripped corpse of a victim not far behind. But underneath all of that fearsome appearance, there is the look of a simple man, a once-farmer, and a man who, once rid of his beast, wishes nothing more than for a simple life on a farm, watching the seasons go by... [b]Personality:[/b] Alastor is a simple man with simple views, enjoying life's simple pleasures... When he's not bashing someone's brains in or lopping off heads or smashing chairs over random men and women in bar brawls. He's somewhat superstitious of the world, and believes that life is best spent enjoyed with the time you have, in a good brawl with a tankard in your hand, and perhaps a snooze in a rocking chair on your farm... With a tankard in hand. He is not the smartest of men, but he is an experienced warrior, on top of having seen much of the world and its mysteries. So while his knowledge may not rival a scholar's, his experience trumps much of the younger generation. He is a complex man, with a complex struggle against his inner beast. He embraces it, yet he fears it. He is a man who doesn't mind unleashing the beast and hewing through his enemies; but from his experience, he has seen the destruction wrought, and he has grown a conscious, as he strives to attone for his transgressions. Attonement is not always what he seeks; for he believes himself damned, and as such does not mind committing further atrocities, but he seeks to attone for his actions not to spare himself, but to spare another. His greatest fear is that she, his bastard daughter whom has saved him and others, would come to harm for others. She was perhaps the only one who cared to save his life, against all rational thought; and she was the only one who stood up to him knowing he may kill her, and told him he was wrong. And for all the truly innocents he's murdered, he would rather bleed for three more lifetimes, than see another hurt. He knows she is his greatest weakness, and he knows not all of him can or will change. But it is not just his rage, his desire for bloodshed, his thirst for vengeance that drives him now. Even so, he's still a simple man, who lives in the moment, and doesn't think too much on things. [b]Weapons of Choice:[/b] That's a broad question, lad. [b]Bar Brawl Preferred Weapons:[/b] His fists, or whatever chair or tankard he can get his hands on. He doesn't aim to kill, but he'll sure as hell throw you out with a few broken bones if he has his way. [b]An Actual Fight, Preferred Weapons:[/b] Alastor's many times in war has given him a preference to a mace, hammer, morningstar, or axe, over a sword. He's found that blunt force weapons can do just as much damage, and even make quick work of those nasty full plate wearers. [b]Gear:[/b] Usually either a Mace or a one-handed waraxe, his opposing hand usually has a thick-back reinforced gauntlet/vambrace with sharp claws for each finger. The back of this gauntlet/vambrace functions similarly to a deflector. Old Military Commander's armor, stained a crimson red from the blood of his enemies. After it had accumulated enough stains, Alastor ended up gathering up the blood in a bucket after one of his battles, and using it to stain the armor. A rugged, frayed crimson red commander's cloak with an easily detachable necktie. [u][b]OOC:[/b] Will add more soon.[/u]