"...What? No, I'm here on business." He said casually, stifiling any expression that could belie his inner thoughts. She had approached him, maybe out of interest, maybe because he looked too normal for this place. He did look too normal compared to even the plainest people here. And the first option, well that wasn't entirely unlikely it probably wasn't good on her part. He wasn't any good with women. He'd gone out with a few sure, but he always left them feeling inadequate. He'd never had sex, not even thought about it since his early teens. It just never felt [i]right[/i] to him. Something was always lacking and he couldn't tell wether or not it came from him or somewhere else. He shoved himself hader into his work to make up for it, hoping that someday it would feel [i]right[/i] and he wouldn't feel like such a limp noodle. Looking up from the glossy counter he ordered a black coffee from the menu, giving a polite smile to the cashier. The cashier gave him a mildly odd look at him before turning and going into the back to prepare it. He prefered not to be distracted by sugars and creams while on a case. He needed his mind to be sharp in this situation. Well, as sharp as it could be with the exotic gypsy beside him. Looking past her towards the door he smiled. "What's your business here? Just casual, or something more?" He looked back at the counter, content to stare at its swirls for an eternity, waiting for a response.