[center][h1][color=blue][b]Johanna Phillips Alleyway Los Angeles, California [/b][/color][/h1][/center] "Thank you," Johanna smirked as one of the officers lifted up the yellow tape for them to pass under. [i]Too easy,[/i] she thought but her amusement slightly dropped when she noticed the large number of officers and paramedics scattered across the rubble. [i]Guess we aren't in the clear just it.[/i] She quickly pulls out a small notepad and pen to try and look more the part as they proceeded towards the right of all the rubble and away from the 'crowd'. "Picked up anything yet?" [i]Sniff. Sniff. Sniff.[/i] Johanna couldn't help but chuckle as she watched Walter sniff at the air. He looked like a dog. Although his ability had its strength especially when your trying to track someone down she felt like it was weak power to possess. From the abilities she has witnessed heightened smell is feeble and nothing to be celebratory about. Still right this moment she appeared to be the weaker one of the pair. "Nothing yet...well it seems like we have some fans but...." Johanna instinctively turned on her heels to glanced back but Walter quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to face forward. "Don't look!" She cringed and swiftly tugged her arm free. "They are just nosy...no threat...at least note yet..." Walter then returned his attention to the job at hand. Johanna's spent the next couple of minutes just doodling around on her notepad pretending to take notes as she strutted along behind Walter who was hard at work. "I think I got something...yes this is definitely the trial we are looking for...mhmm yeah I remember that hint of green tea..." "Green tea?" Her right eyebrow arched slightly in confusion as she took a deep breath in through her nose trying to smell what he was talking about. "Never mind. Just follow closely..." They moved off further to the right and away from the wreckage of the school. "What do we have here?" Walter came to a sudden halt causing Johanna to almost walk into him but lucky she managed to stop right on time. "Looks like our friend got himself into some trouble." Her eyes instantly lit up with excitement at the thought that they were finally going to get some action. "He ran off this way." Walter pointed down a nearby alleyway. "Lead the way." Johanna lifted up the yellow tape before signalling Walter to proceed onwards. Once they were out of sight from the police they picked up the pace and before long they were sprinting. [i]Left. Right. Left. Left again.[/i] Johanna could feel her breathing becoming heavier and heavier by the minute. Although they were barely running at full speed she was beginning to feel tired. With barely three hours sleep exhaustion was starting to kick in and the pain of her injuries were resurfacing. [i]Looks like the meds are wearing off.[/i] She bite the bottom of her lip trying to hold in her scream of agony as she prayed for the next corner they take to be their last.