[@Alina13][@Aintitfun1997] Hunter did a quick run through of the camp, the dead coyotes still around, and the rest were long gone now. He felt better for a moment, then he realized he was holding the shotgun in his hands, and he just spent a lot of ammunition in a short period of time. "[color=007236]Dammit...[/color]" He knew that there was not that many infected out here, but sometimes they wonder. If any were close when the shots went off they would be on their way now. He then looked at the tree line, the sun was almost set now, the lighting was terrible now. Then he though about how lucky they were. If the Coyotes came twenty minutes later they would all still be at the fire with the guns at the table. But they would be int he dark, where they could be attacked at the last minute. They would have been forced to fight in the tall grasses around the fire, the only light out here. They would have all been killed in the process. "[color=007236]We need to get inside now, if any infected were around they will come and follow the shots. I am not expecting a lot if any... But it's better safe then sorry.[/color]" He walked his way back to the truck and grabbed the .22 rifle."[color=007236]We don't have a lot of time before it will be too dark to see at all.[/color]" He looked at Justine and Krystyn. "[color=007236]We will wait out until morning, if any infected did come and are left we can deal with them once we can see them properly.[/color]"