[img]http://s30.postimg.org/4z8jp434x/Banner_Laurent_2.png[/img] | Red Light district | [@Lovely complex] [@BlackPanther] [@Themerlinhawk] [i]"It's alright"[/i] Said the man as he straightened his clothes and kept with his conversation with the woman as if nothing had happened. How does he dare?! The young boy felt not only rejected, but also very very humiliated. Not everybody had interest in boys, he knew, but there was a difference between disinterest and plain impoliteness. Since when a British gentleman didn't offer his help to someone who had just fallen to the floor in front of him? Or at least ask "hey, are you ok?" But no, the selfish jerk only cared about [i]him[/i] being alright, and cleaned his shoulder as if something dirty had touched him! If only he knew he was in front of the heir of the Liberté Household and high rank of the Noble House of Grangrel, he better kneel and kiss the floor! In any other circumstances Laurent would have just dragged him into an alleyway and fed on him until he died, but tonight he had to keep playing the good boy, so he tried his best to keep his anger at bay and flash an adorable and apologetic smile to his new companions. [color=007236][i] "You work this area? Sad that little boy puts looks to waste."[/i][/color] He stared at the woman in confusion for a moment, and then realization came to him. She thought he was a male prostitute? Since when did sluts carry textbooks around? He was a student, a student!!! [color=powderblue]"Work? No, no, no, no, no!"[/color] He shook his head with feigned embarrassment, as he thought it would fit his fake shy personality. [color=powderblue]"T-This is a misunderstanding! Please, don't say anything to my teachers..."[/color] He avoided her stare and looked shyly at the floor while he kept retrieving his scattered notes. He was just finishing when an unexpected stranger tended his hand to him. Laurent was rather surprised. After the latest events he wasn't expecting anyone to come and pay him any attention. So he gently grabbed his hand and got up still not looking at the newcomer. [color=powderblue]"Thank you, sir."[/color] He said softly, trying to recover his pride as he wiped off some not so imaginary dust from his trousers. Though when he did look at Greg he couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed. This wasn't exactly the gallant knight he was expecting, but rather the not so handsome servant of the extravagant lady he had met just a moment before. [color=a0410d][i]"Master, I keep him?"[/i][/color] What???! Keep him?! Like a pet? What the hell...? This was definitely the weirdest group of people he had met in his lifetime. And on top of that he was staring at him as if he was something edible... He didn't know how to react. But then he had an idea. [color=powderblue]"You want to keep me?"[/color] He asked with the most innocent expression he could make. This weird man didn't seem to be the smartest in the group, but for the first time in the night he had taken an interest in him. And what Laurent had come to get was an ally, even if he would have preferred the hot guy who happened to be a boob crazed jerk. This guy, Greg, looked much more easy to manipulate though. If he could make a pact with him, and maybe even with his lady, he wouldn't be alone in his quest for information. [color=powderblue]"Well, I could follow you around for a while."[/color] He said with a cute smile. With a nod, he accepted the woman's invitation to join her for dinner and gestured Greg to follow. [color=powderblue]"Ah, but I can't stay for too long. I'm here..."[/color] He looked around as if making sure that nobody could hear him and lowered his voice getting closer to his new friends. [color=powderblue]"... I'm here on a secret mission."[/color] Hoping that they would get at least a bit curious, he didn't say anything else and entered the Cabaret, following a well dressed man that... Oh, how surprising... Had ignored him again. What the f*ck happened to all the guys that night?!! Men didn't appreciate pretty faces anymore, or was he losing his vampiric charm? In any case, he was beginning to feel annoyed. But the man still picked Laurent's curiosity. The boy couldn't tell if he was a vampire, but he could definitely feel his strong aura. He was a powerful individual. Though his admiration didn't last long, as he saw him a few minutes later bidding high for a plain, flat chested peasant girl. Laurent strongly disliked filthy men who paid for sex. And yes, that included an obvious disapproval to his own Master's behavior. [color=powderblue]"I'll never understand their fascination with whores..."[/color] He spoke to himself pouting slightly in discomfort. Hopefully his next task won't be at the red light district...