[quote=@Ruby] "I have long, jagged, pieces of isolinear data chips embedded into my palm from an explosion on the bridge. I've already stopped the blood loss and killed the pain, but you got here before I could reconfigure the tricorder to emit a micro-antigrav pulse to dis-embed the bits of isolinear chips...but you probably have a more 'Doctor'-y way of doing that. So whatever, fine. Here." She sighed, it was faint and under her breath, but oh-so passive aggressive. Fixing herself was keeping her mind off other things, like ghosts, and wounded crewmembers. Now the CMO had taken that from her. Now he would take care of her. Vash knew her medical record. She knew multiple doctors in the Academy had labeled her "uncooperative" and "uncomfortable being cared her." She was only glad the CMO had no access to the classified parts of her Medical Record; her recovery from the Cosmo incident. "Also, hey, I could do this myself if you should be taking care of someone more seriously injured. This is barely a flesh wound, I wouldn't even need to bother a nurse: I did a year of Medical at the VSA and had a minor going in Combat Medicine at the Academy. So, really, I could do it just fine." [i]Even if I can barely move my right hand.[/i] [/quote] "Delegation is key," Carter chided. "It's supposed to be the first thing officers learn, at least that's what I learned in the Academy. I didn't go the command track, but I retained that much." Of course the captain learned about combat medicine. From what he'd gleaned about his CO in his short time here, she was a jack of all trades but a master of none. Impetuous. That's the word Carter would use to describe Captain Vaella. What did you expect when someone not even thirty years was put in charge of an entire starship? Carter worked in silence and went about finishing the work in a way very similar to the one described by Vaella. Instead of a makeshift tricorder, he used a sonic pulse scalpel to disintegrate the embedded tech pieces in her arm. After that, he applied ointment on the wound and started the process of growing the skin back. "Flex your arm for me," he said as they watched the dermal regeneration of the skin on her arm. "Work the joints, wrist, and fingers and see if you can feel anything through your painkillers. There's going to be some pain, but not enough that you should feel it." Carter glanced up and saw his staff busy at work on other patients. So far, nothing critical had come in but they had yet to hear news from the away team. For all he knew, this could be the calm before the storm. "I have no idea of your patchwork ability," Carter said while he watched the captain inspect her arm. "But coming all the way down to Sickbay to patch yourself up is like going to a restaurant and cooking your own dinner. Why do it yourself when a pro can take care of it?"