[@Seed]For a story Arc, the rivalry between Fury and Kanitah came to a head on some backwoods planet. The outcome determined whether or not Fury got the World Engine from Kanitah, and whether Bita was stopped before she found Fury and put herself in harm's way. To summarize the story. A while back, Kanitah and Fury engaged in combat on a planet filled to the brim with colossal spiders. The two never finished their fight, but Fury left before the final blow could be struck by either of them. Kanitah was left with grizzly scars, and his daughter swore revenge on Fury for wounding her father. So she took her own engine and went off into the Multiverse to find him. Kanitah took the older, weaker, version and went off into the Multiverse to bring her back by force. Unfortunately, Kanitah stumbled upon Fury while searching for his daughter. Though Kanitah is far stronger than Fury, he was a show-off. Reckless, and only trained in basic military combat. Kanitah's people generally relied on brute force to overpower their opponents. In their previous bout, Kanitah learned that Fury could suck the very life energy out of him. So he was hesitant to actually grapple with him. Though it would have won him the fight. Kanitah was killed after an incredibly long fight, and the World Engine was taken from him and repurposed into Fury's armor. Bita learned of this and threw herself into a forbidden well of power on a drifting planet to gain as much power as possible before heading back out into the Multiverse to enact her twisted revenge.-