[quote=@NuttsnBolts] Got a few general enquiries for the new PM management system that I've been thinking about as I know that some of these questions and things may come up. [list][*]When a thread is moved to the trash pile and eventually given the option to delete. - What will happen to that thread on the other person's end? Will it be as if it is hidden on the deleted end, but still visible on the other end? - If this is the case, what would happen if the second person was to reply? (I'm assuming it still remains open to replies) Would the thread be revived back into the inbox? - If it doesn't remain open, I do think that would be weird as you could be having a conversation with someone and a deleted thread would signal a rather abrupt end to the conversation. [*]With the folders, how necessary is the need for creating custom folders. Would another and possibly easier option is to have a limited number (eg 10) of folders and then give the ability to just change the title of everything aside from Trash, Inbox and Archive. It would also prevent people from going through and creating 50 different folders and force people to manage their messages better. We have a limited number of boards on the forum that we have to work with so I don't see why that same logic can't be applied to PMs.[/list] [/quote] About trashed convos: >What will happen to that thread on the other person's end? Will it be as if it is hidden on the deleted end, but still visible on the other end? If this is the case, what would happen if the second person was to reply? (I'm assuming it still remains open to replies) Would the thread be revived back into the inbox? If it doesn't remain open, I do think that would be weird as you could be having a conversation with someone and a deleted thread would signal a rather abrupt end to the conversation. I'm not sure, yet. On one hand, deletion seems like it's purely a personal organization concept so I don't like the idea of necessarily broadcasting "NuttsnBolts deleted this convo". But on the other hand, I don't like the idea of people getting silently ignored when they reply to a convo. So far it might make most sense to display something like "NuttsnBolts has left the convo" or something. There are other features I should be focusing on. This one always seems to waste a lot of my brain cycles for what frankly amounts to a rather niche use-case. >custom folders I like the idea of having some built-in folders that address the 90% use-case (Inbox | Starred | Archive | Trash) and then allowing customization beyond that. Custom folders are just more complicated. Similarly, I like the idea of having built-in roleplay tabs (IC | OOC | Chars [Optional] | Chat [Optional] | Dice [Optional]) and then allowing customize beyond that. Customization is the harder engineering feat, of course. That said, the PM system is something I want to focus more energy towards since about 50% (crazy!) of the Guild's activity is over PMs. I'd like to work out the bugs with the current folder system and then incrementally improve PMs altogether. For example, the convos list really needs real pagination, not [First Page] / [Next Page].