[center][h1][color=yellow]Aiko Mizushima[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Aiko had made it back to his store earlier than he expected, so after clocking in he would begin inspecting some of the chores that were given to those staff that had taken the opportunity to slack off. As he was rearranging some of the clothes to look as clean as possible another customer walked in. "Hello, Welcome!" the cashier had said aloud to that customer. Aiko nodded as she had at least done that right. Suddenly he was approached by a girl who wanted to try on a dress that was on display. He'd push his [s](fake)[/s] glasses back into place, and would turn towards the voice. [color=yellow]"Yes I do work here, and yes I'd be more than happy to let you try on that dress."[/color] He'd say in a fairly monotone voice. Right after he'd look the female down to see if she would actually look good in the dress he assumed she was pointing at. Well, She wouldn't look bad. Just add some simple jewelry to the wardrobe, and she'd be good to go. [color=yellow]"Follow me to the fitting room."[/color] He'd turn as he signal for her to follow him to where the fitting rooms were, and then would make his way to the back room to get the exact same dress since it'd be a hassle to have to take down the one on display. As he found it Aiko came back to show her the dress in case he had grabbed the wrong one. [color=yellow]"This one, yes?"[/color] [@sakurasan]