[@Remipa Awesome][@Aintitfun1997] This didn't seem like too bad of an idea to Justine. It wouldn't be a very smart idea for them to just stay out in the dark like sitting ducks and wait for the infected to swarm them. She looked around for Krystyn to see if she had gotten enough of her strength back to climb out of the back of the truck. She couldn't see very well because it was getting dark and she didn't have her glasses on; they were still in her backpack. She asked Hunter, [i][color=blue] "How much ammo do you have left? Are we going to need to go back to the gun store to get more?[/color][/i] She hoped they could go back there safely and without being noticed by too many walkers. Hopefully, all their shots hadn't attracted a horde. She stumbled in the growing dark towards the truck where her backpack was and managed to grab it by one strap and throw it over her shoulder. She walked slowly towards the trailer and Buddy followed behind her. Justine could hear his tired breath behind her. She reached down and patted his head lovingly. He had done more than any of them in their defense and she felt like he deserved a reward for his bravery. [i][color=blue] "You're such a good boy. Krystyn is lucky to have you. You were so brave." [/color][/i] Praise was the most she could do for the lovely dog right now. She realized that she was the only one that didn't have a weapon of her own. If they did end up going back to the weapons store, she needed to snag herself a weapon that was just hers. She doubted she would be able to survive just using other people's weapons that were just conveniently there. Preferably something NOT involving ammunition or loud banging noises. Both for her own personal safetly and well-being but also for stealth reasons.