This is a little thing I notice, but it's not really a major issue, more like an annoyed concern... So I've come to notice how some RPs are created with an American feel to them, some more than others. This can be from the freedom of gun weapons in RPs, to the way cities and vehicles are described, and even references to historic events like the declaration of independence, presidential leaders or even the seasonal school structure and school design layout. Its nothing "wrong" with these choices as each rp caters to a different audience but as someone who is not from the US, God damn it can be hard to participate in some of these RPs. For instance, I tried to participate into a school rp once. Now Australian schools go from year 1-6 primary, 7-12 secondary. We start school in Feb and end in Dec. So each year matches up with each year on the calendar. The idea of starting school mid year and finishing, mid year the next year, while having different schools for lower high schools and upper high schools and all that stuff is so foreign to me, that I cannot physically understand why. The other part with weapons is that I've never grown up around guns. I know about guns through movies and games, so I have yet to see a role play where having a gun is actually a criminal offense and people have to watch their ammo usage because you cannot walk down to your local shop and restock supplies. This isn't a rip on Americans as I do have a lot of American friends, but so many modern RPs seem to be set or influenced by the American culture that as an Australian I do notice, and it can sometimes break immersion as even if I try to create an American character, it can sometimes feel like the foreigner.