I'm hoping this sheet works. [hider=The Sage] Name: Rikshath Vo'lern Age: 22 Gender: Male Race: Shiekah Role: Sage Appearance: [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/069/d/0/kafziel_by_know_kname-d33z7g5.jpg[/img] Personality: Rikshath is rather intelligent, possessing an eidetic memory and observational skills that are second to none. On top of this, he has knowledge of the stories and legends of lore, particularly those centering around the Godessess' chosen ones. However, the topics he prides his knowledge on are those of magic and the Sages. Rikshath is a bit on the quiet side when one first meets him, but he'll slowly warm up over time. He is a true and loyal friend, though not much help in a physical fight. He prefers to keep his distance, and use his magic and ranged weapons to keep his foes at bay. As such, he's not much for physical activity. Special Item: The Seven Medallions Weapon: He mostly wields fire-based magics, as that was always his element of choice. He is able to toss fireballs about, wield the intimidating Din's Fire, and attack foes with streams of fire. He's also able to use Farore's Wind for short-range teleportation. Attached to his left leg is a pouch of throwing stars, which he likes to use in tandem with his fire magic. He can also wield a bit of shadow magic, but that amounts to launching balls of shadow and being able to hold his foes with a shadowy-hand. History: Rikshath grew up learning about the roles that the Sages have played in Hyrule's history, as well as studying magic. He always preferred fire magics, but has studied on other forms. However, he's not had the time to master any magics, though he's adept with fire magics and can manage some basic shadow magics. Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Eu-iGWW2Xg]Rik's Favorite Song [Gerudo Valley][/url] Other: He is a direct descendant of Impa, and takes pride in that fact. Also, he insists his friends call him 'Rik'. [/hider]