[@Wraithblade6] [@kishin asura] Several Clone medics rush out, tending to Dual's wounds, along side his demon's. However, Dual manages to pull out a single piece of paper, that he gently tosses to Asura, before he is carried away. When Asura would no doubt look at the paper, his blood may run cold.... "First order...Assassinate the Clone Goddess, Klonos. After, distract the Kishin Asura long enough for Death City to be destroyed. Burn this paper after reading it.- The Boss" Whoever the Boss was, they were planning on destroying Death city, or what was left of it...most likely, with Maka in it. "....You'd better go get her kid, you're running out of time." Tiny says, reading the note over Asura's shoulder. He then turns to Mithias. "You, you'd also better go with him...." Tiny says, as if dropping a hint to what will happen next......Tiny then vanishes, heading off to somewhere else.