[center][b]Concerning Temples[/b][/center] [center]Each character has a specific role for the temples. The Sword Spirit is the glue who keeps them all together, who feeds them information on the monsters and puzzles inside each temple. The Guide is the one with intimate knowledge of the land of Hyrule, only he knows where the temples themselves reside. The Musician is the only one who can open the doors into the temples themselves. By using the correct song and their special instrument. The Royal Blood is needed to get through the temple itself, by using her light magic, and the intellect given to her by the Triforce of Wisdom, only she can solve the puzzles, and stave off the darkness inside. The Hero is the only one who can deal the final blow to the bosses living inside the temples. As they are the only one capable of wielding the Master Sword. The Sage is the only one capable of carrying the medallions, which must be put into the altars in the heart of each temple. Once each temple has been completed and each medallion put in place, each member of the group will receive a boost in power. Whether that means gaining a new power, or just getting their old ones strengthened is up to you guys. At the ends of all the temples, they will be strong enough to destroy evil for good.[/center]