[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/em0pBtN.png[/img][/center] [center][i]"I am what I am; someone has to be."[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ulrin Grimsparrow [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Position In Tribe:[/b] Blackwhisper Scout Chief [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*][color=39b54a]Crossbow Mastery[/color] - Ulrin has trained relentlessly from a young age in the use of crossbows, preferring their robust reliability and stopping power over the bow's greater range and rate of fire. He is familiar with most types, and able to maintain them at full working order. Given the right tools and resources, he could also build them in the field - though a feat not often demanded of him. [*][color=ec008c]Blackwhisper Training[/color] - Ulrin has been with the Blackwhisper Scout Corps since he was a young man, and as such, has mastered their rudimentary stealth and espionage tactics. He can move quietly through even the trickiest terrain, is a proven master of natural camouflage, and is able to remain hidden for days without moving from his spot. [*][color=ed1c24]Life by the Knife[/color] - Scouts can ill afford to lug around heavy arms, often relying on small blades to protect themselves in the event that their position is compromised. Ulrin is no exception, and can be considered to be well versed in a variety of close combat techniques that center themselves around the use of a short sword or knife. Such fighting requires the user to employ an active defence to dodge an opponent's attacks, whilst searching for a moment of vulnerability in his or her form.[/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Ulrin comes across as thoughtful and reserved, preferring to observe situations from a safe distance; however, he will make his thoughts known to all when he feels strongly enough to do so, and wont back down unless his concerns are met with adequate response. Not to say that he is incapable of socialising of course, but he will not often be found wasting words on fruitless conversation. [b]Weapons:[/b][list][*][color=f26522]Field Crossbow[/color] - A robust crossbow, heavy to carry but packing a devastating punch. Ratchet operated, and therefore slow to load, it can be considered as a one-shot solution to most ordinary problems. Ulrin doesn't often miss, but when he does, things usually end with him rolling dice with Fate. So far, he's been lucky. [*][color=f26522]Serrated Knife[/color] - Twelve inches long with a circular hand guard, and made from leaftonite. It is unremarkable in appearance.[/list] [b]Family:[/b] Ulrin was the only child to Torin and Faith Grimsparrow, the foundiers of the Blackwhispher Scout Corps. They both died in action, not long after his 30th birthday, prompting him to take over the outfit. [b]Bio:[/b] Ulrin Grimsparrow was raised to be a scout from an early age, by his father Torin, and his mother Faith. Both parents co-headed a notorious offshoot of Oakheart's scouts, referred to as the Blackwhisper Scout Corps. Whilst Oakheart scouts would spy the happenings of the forest, watching Valeheart activities and reporting them to local garrisons, the Blackwhisper Scout Corps would actively seek to degrade and destroy the enemy before they'd stepped within a mile of Oakheart territory. The tactics employed by Faith and Torin, and their followers, to achieve such ends were often looked on with disgust - to a point that many such acts were deliberately concealed to avoid the Crown's scrutiny. Indeed, there are many unmarked Valeheart graves out in the forest, and there are many Valeheart widows, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters who will never find out why their loved ones didn't return one day from a trek in the forest. Ulrin fought alongside his parents, learning their trade first hand, and rose quickly up the ranks as they sought to make him their heir. Unfortunately, in a twist of well deserved irony, Torin and Faith themselves became the subject of a suspected Valeheart ambush, and their bodies were never recovered. Indeed, one could even speculate that they still live - but Ulrin knows in his heart that this is not the case. They were both in their 70th year at the time. After grieving their loss, Ulrin took on the mantle deigned for him as the Scout Chief of the Blackwhisper Scout Corps, and continued his parents' mission in earnest. With the rising power of Valeheart becoming greater and greater each day, Ulrin has found many opportunities to show his sworn enemy that their transgressions are not going unnoticed, and indeed, that he has not forgotten the loss of his beloved parents. He will often be found deep in the forest, sometimes within the borders of Valeheart, stalking unsuspecting travellers, merchants and soldiers with grim indifference. A dozen disciples follow him on his voyages of bloody murder, though few in Oakheart know the true extent of the horrors that he unleashes on the enemy. [hider=Gallow, Mount] [center][img]https://www.friendsofanimals.org/sites/default/files/kcfinder/images/crow.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]"Cold and calculating; swift and delicate; savage and deadly... just like his master."[/i][/center] [/hider]