[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Morgana%20Rosewood&name=MeathFLF.ttf&size=85&style_color=B80707[/img][/center] Morgana was in the library on the second level of the village when Alexander, her mentor, rushed in, his hair disheveled. [b][color=seagreen]"Morgana! You need to go! You can't be late to see the royal family! For my apprentice you can be especially inept with your social graces sometimes!"[/color][/b] Alexander shouted, pulling Morgan from her book. [i][color=darkred]Gods damn it![/color][/i] Morgana thought to herself as Alexander rushed her out the door, his long grey beard trailing behind them. She'd always told the old man to cut that thing, but he thought the idea blasphemous. She finally waved her mentor off and rushed out the door, grabbing her staff and shouting goodbye to the man who'd been like a father to her. She couldn't handle the idea that she might never see him again, and so, a quick goodbye was best. [b][color=darkred]"Hey wait!"[/color][/b] she shouted at a leaf lift operator, hopping in right before it lifted off. The mage who operated the lift recognized her, and knew that she had been picked out for the secret royal mission, and with a reassuring smile, he took off towards the palace. She thanked the man, offering him a coin which he refused with a kind smile, and hopped off of the lift and onto the palace grounds. She sprinted past the towering flowers and burst into the palace, raising eyebrows, though luckily no swords. As she arrived at the meeting room she stopped and toyed with her disheveled hair and calmed her breathing. She had to look presentable for the others of course. She walked in and took a seat, embarrassed that she was the last one to arrive. [center][img]http://www.hefdo.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Text-Divider1.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Finnegan%20Oakheart&name=CyberCaligraphic.ttf&size=80&style_color=2A7001[/img][/center] Finn looked around at his group of adventurers and bowed. He'd handpicked each and everyone of these people himself. Yism was one of the best warriors in the tribe, even if he had refused countless promotions. He was a good man. Indus was an ambitious one, and he knew that this was a position that she could handle. Ezri was herself a great warrior as well, younger than Indus, but still the prince's senior. Morgana was a well of knowledge, and also knew more about magical artifacts than anyone. And then there was Ulrin, the sneakiest Watcher in the tribe, and a valuable asset, Finn knew. He had great respect for each one, as did his father. [b][color=forestgreen]"Greetings. Each one of you has been called here because you are all impeccable in your areas of expertise. As you know, the Valehearts have declared war. Queen Ciara has made it known that she seeks an ancient Watcher artifact, one that we believe will enable her to seize control of this forest. We can't let her do that. Our mission is simple. Find the artifact before the Valehearts. My father has been able to direct us to the Saltskin, of Clarke Beach to the west. That will be our first destination. We leave tomorrow. Are there any questions?[/color][/b] Finn asked, his eyes scanning the room for any hands. He knew that this was a lot to take in, and he'd also just spewed a mouthful of words. Suddenly, the meeting room burst open. Furious, spun to see the intruder. He'd specifically demanded that they be left alone. It was then that he saw a guard, an arrow through his neck as he fell to the ground. [b][color=forestgreen]"It appears that questions will have to wait. I believe we are under attack. Change of plans. We leave now. We'll head to the aviary and make towards Clarke Beach. Let's try to stay together if possible. Now let's go,"[/color][/b] Finn said, drawing his sword and heading out the door.