[b]Day 16, Midnight[/b] [color=00a651]Edgar_Walther[/color] [@BlackPanther] [color=8882be][i]Edgar stood in silent contemplation of the two guards. They seemed, on the face of it to be very similar to the opponents they'd faced all day long, with obvious weak points at the neck, lower legs, and under the arms, though it would certainly be more difficult to hit these weak spots as the guards like most kobolds were known to be agile opponents, and it was night so they weren't likely to be taken by surprise... Edgar mulled over Reaper's words with only a grunt in response. They'd need more than brute strength and raw damage to come out of this one intact. [/i][/color] [color=00a651]"Can ye or yer pup stun either of 'em? If'n ye can, that'd lower chances of fightin' the whole bloomin' mine at once. Though, even if it came to that, the gate would serve us well in limiting their ability to get to us effectively. Still, I'd rather not be fightin' clear till dawn if'n it's all the same to ye."[/color] [color=f7941d][i]With a flick of my wrist the familiar menu pops up, and I begin searching my inventory looking for a way to gain the advantage in this fight. There really wasn't much to be seen honestly... unless, could they be baited? Would they leave their post for an easy meal?[/i] Hmm, first I'll need to eat myself, if only for the minor stat boosts. [i]I consume a tasty trail ration, a cup of coffee, and a bowl of stew, gaining slight bonuses to health regen, stamina and resistance to dazes and stuns, and a substantial boost to agility respectively. These wouldn't last more than a half an hour or so, but until then they should prove quite useful. I turn to reaper belatedly, wondering if he'd need or want any food since this was my venture...[/i][/color]