They had been travelling for quite some time. The Aaenshi had revealed his name to her during this time. Fleabit. Megumi felt that she could've guessed his name after noticing his rather unclean fur. She kept Dibney away from the dog-man to ensure that she didn't catch whatever the furred man had on him. After awhile, they came across a lone tavern. Hiding amongst the trees, she noticed that there weren't any bestial races among them. Perhaps it was by coincidence? As they spent their time, as Fleabit suggested, listening to the people that entered and exited the tavern, she soon learnt that it wasn't a coincidence. They were all aggressively racist. She felt an anger well up in her as she listened to the, now known as 'Justicars', laugh about killing off bestial races and people of half-blood. She wanted nothing more than to walk up to them and kill them on the spot. They had also learnt that they worshipped 'Coria', whoever that may be didn't actually matter to the half-cat at all. On the morning of the 31st, the Aaenshi suggested something ridiculous. That she snuck into the tavern, posing as a human or pure-breed. [color=ed1c24]"I hope you notice this thing that I have. Called a tail."[/color] She responded in slight irritation, gesturing at her black feline tail. She eventually sighed and nodded. She slowly tucked her tail into her pants. It felt extremely uncomfortable. She figured she would only be able to lean on walls and sit on stools with only half her buttocks on the seat. She just hoped that nobody would notice her cat-like eyes. She calmly entered the building without much problem, her bestial eyes weren't noticeable at first glance, thus allowing her to walk in unhindered. The tavern was relatively quiet, the chatter being quieter than most. She noticed the stout human who seemed to be very nervous when serving Justicars, but he seemed relieved when serving anyone else. She slowly approached him, soon she stood before him. She could see the relief on his face as he saw her. She put a few coppers on the counter, [color=ed1c24]"A mug of Ale if you don't mind."[/color] She requested with a soft smile on her face. As she received the mug, she leaned in a little closer, with a playful smirk. [color=ed1c24]"Justicars giving you trouble~? You shake like a [i]half breed[/i]."[/color] She whispered to him after making sure that nobody was listening, hoping to elicit a response out of him.