[hider=Genetor Lartius Natta] Name: Lartius "Shredder" Natta Age: 87 Class: Magos Biologis (Genetor) Equipment: Lartius much prefers live subjects for his 'research', and to this end his choice of weapons reflects this quite well. - An Imperial Web Gun or 'Webber'. - A Shock Maul - 2x Choke Grenades. - He armours himself in a suit of ceramite carapace plating which covers all the more 'exposed' areas, such as arms, thighs, shins, the torso and so on. As well as this, he protects his head with a pair of goggles, a triangular metal mask, and a covers all of it in the common crimson robes of the Adeptus Mechanicus; each piece/item has it's own purpose, whether it's obvious or otherwise. - [I]Medicae[/I] Mechadendrite; as useful for torture as it is for healing. Notable Deeds: Classified (WIP) Time with Inquisitor: Within the Inquisition, quite some time, over three decades in fact; with Inquisitor Zhevron, only recently transferred to his retinue. Appearance: The oddest thing about the way Lartius looks, unlike most of his more machine-like brethren, is that he looks perfectly human for all intents and purposes. Some could, and do, even say he looks a little [i]too[/i] perfect; indeed, if one were to take a look at the 'person' that is behind the suit of carapace armour, the face behind the triangular mask and goggles which obscure his features, and beneath the fluttering red and hooded robes of the Adeptus Mechanicus, then they would find a being not only much like them [b]but[/b] also superior in most respects. Everything about the way that the one nicknamed 'Shredder' - due to his methods of dissecting his research subjects - looks is to emulate and mimic those of the humans around him. Everything, save the mechadendrite that writhes about beneath his robes, and is connected directly to his spine and nervous system, is in imitation of the Emperor's favoured children. We begin with a head of chestnut brown hair, short in length and superficially no different from human hair, but within each strand of hair is a neural feed that acts much like the quills of the Kroot species; it gathers information from his surroundings - smells, vibrations, etc - constantly gathering data that is transformed into easily read binary-cant for his later analysis. Beneath his hair, and his eyebrows of similar colour, are two eyes of deep hazel - once again, these look for all purposes like [i]perfect[/i] human eyes...they are of course not. Inside these eyes, long ago replacing his organic eyes, is a world of data, measurements, biometric readings and all manner of things which would swiftly overload the sensory organs of any average human. His mouth, with evenly set and brilliantly white teeth, is wholly organic, with only his tongue being full of tiny sensors; should he stick anything in his mouth, everything about it would be revealed. The slightly hooked nose...well...it's just a nose. Moving down from his unerringly symmetrical face, layered with snow-white flesh - as is the rest of his body - we come to the torso and the most important parts of the Genetor. It is within this fleshy mould that he holds transplanted, grafted and exchanged organs, not unlike those of an Astartes but [b]far[/b] weaker. For example, he would not be able to wear power armour as he does not possess a black carapace, nor can he spit acid, nor can he read the memories of others by eating them. What he [b]can[/b] do is digest most things, put himself or portions of his brain into a form of 'sleep/recharge' mode, endure substantial punishment to his 6' 2" frame because of his reinforced skeletal structure and that fact that both his arms and legs are bionic replacements covered in unmarked and living tissue. He can bleed, and he can even feel pain - although it registers more as a series of alerts and numbers than an actual feeling.[/hider]