"I understand perfectly why healers are so revered, we hold our own to a high standard in my clan," Nymira retorted sharply, keeping her knife where it was unwavering, "Is your being a healer supposed to rid you of guilt for lying to me though? Or kissing me like that? I demand respect for my station, I am a princess, not some common floozy who can be swayed by a simple gesture!" Oh she hoped she had used that word correctly, she'd heard several patrons at a tavern call a barmaid that and while the meaning was lost on her she gathered it wasn't positive. Narrowing her eyes as Zander called her egotistical Nymira had to make an extra effort to hold back, wanting more to smack him upside the face than cut his throat. It was more an intimidation than anything really, her blade, she would never actually kill someone over something so petty. So when Zander placed his own neck against the blade she pulled it away so he couldn't do it again, keeping it raised slightly however to make sure he didn't move. "Regardless... A healer will be invaluable during a fight, even if you are no Magi. And regardless, its your duty to help others in need, is it not?" the Dimuran asked, smirking as she lowered her knife, "It may not be your usual work, but I'm certain you'll do just fine." Bernadette watched the entire exchange with baited breath, unnerved that the Dimuran had been so quick to pull a knife. What more to expect from a people known for battling their own kin? Thankfully it looked to be little more than a threat, thank goodness for that at least. If they were to be working together then perhaps they really could succeed, they seemed capable but having a healer along should make it far safer for them. "If that is decided then perhaps you could be on your way? The longer this takes the further down river the ship gets," the secretary reminded them, walking to the window behind the mayor and gesturing out across the lawn. "If you head down the road a ways there you'll reach the piers, and there someone should be able to tell you more about where the ship is. Or you can just head up river and try finding it yourself. I doubt they went down river, that would mean going to Galloway, and I can't see any sense in going to another town." "I see... We have to meet someone before we leave, but we'll find this ship of yours, you have my word on that. Be prepared to give us what we need when we return as well." How bothersome that she should have to play the part of a guard simply to secure an agreement with this place. She supposed that was politics though, you never got something truly for free. Sheathing her dagger again she gave the sleeping mayor a cursory glance before turning to the secretary and bowing politely. "Sorry for the intrusion, and... For drawing a weapon here, I should have kept calm," she apologized, "As soon as we finish this task of yours we'll return with the good news." ---------- "Hey, you never know! He's got a nose doesn't he?" Ethan asked with a laugh, reaching down and scratching at the back of Wyth's head, "I guess we'll have to find them the old fashioned way. Shouldn't be too hard!" He liked to think so, but he knew just how inept he himself was when it came to traveling. As Amuné was quick to point out they needed to find someone to give them directions, and then pray to the powers that be their friends were even still at the mayor's. As luck would have it the minstrel from before knew precisely where to go, giving them directions as to where to find the manor. With a thanks from both of them the pair promptly headed out to find their friends. What they had seen of Orosi wasn't bad per say, in terms of simple quality Ethan would even say it was nicer than most of Kinsgrove. Yet as soon as they crossed over a large stone bridge he noted how different the homes and even just the roads were. With cast iron lamps lining the smooth streets, tall brick and mortar homes two stories high looming over them and well maintained yards this was clearly where the wealthier sort lived. And even from here at the bottom of the district you could see the mayor's manor, up above on a rise overlooking the rest of those who resided here. Of course the mayor had that house, Ethan thought with an exasperated smile, fitting in a way. "So this looks like the right place, now we just have to find them..." Ethan mused aloud, scratching at his chin as he looked down various side roads on the way. The mayor's house was visible but they could realistically be anywhere here, best to check every corner just to be certain. Rounding one such turn he was elated to find the others approaching from the far end, giving them a wave before shouting, "Over here! Hey guys!" Motioning for Amuné to follow he hurried down to greet the others, grinning widely as they met in the middle of the road. "Holy cow, we actually found you! Done with the meeting already?" he asked, pausing then looking at Zander with a quizzical expression, "And uh... Who's he?" "He's a healer, and a liar, he'll be helping us with our job," Nymira explained curtly, "Which is to say we have work to do. In order to get what we need we've been forced to do some work their guards are incapable of doing. A ship has been stolen from them, no doubt the work of some bandits. I swear, your towns are lousy with criminals..." "Not all of them! Just uh... You know, the big ones?" Ethan offered lamely, smiling as he shrugged. So Galloway and Orosi had a little bit of a problem, it wasn't like it was an entire town of thieves right? Saving a stolen ship, now there was something he never thought he might be doing. How did you even go about doing something like that? "So we need to get back this boat of theirs and then you get what you need from the mayor? I guess it can't be helped then, looks like we're stealing a boat back! Oh, I'm Ethan by the way," he added as he extended a hand to Zander, "And this is Amuné, you've met Nymira and Cecil. I guess welcome to the group for now!"