As the odd squad continued on their quest for 'treasure' he decided to strike up a little convo. Hisaki nice choice. [Color=lime]"Yo Hisaki right? Well tell me something about yourself, I'm kind of in the dark and if we're gonna be a team you're gonna need your strongest member to be your friend."[/color] As he said this he was doing keepy upies with the bats band ball, he was obviously sarcastic, but maybe he shouldn't have been some people don't take sarcasm well if he was lucky Hisaki would be fine....... Wouldn't he..... Maybe it was the fact that he only REALLY knew Rei and everyone else was new but, things were different. Usually it'd be Sanji being shouted over by his friends, but here with them it would be different just another guy people not, seeking his attention trying to make him laugh even if it wasn't funny. Sanji liked it Is? Is that werid?