:btw I'm just about the wort roleplayer ever; when I'm not too busy to get [s]shit[/s] stuff done, I'm too lazy to do it. And when I'm not either busy or lazy, I've got a writers block. Just a bit of a warning. I do get [s]shit[/s] stuff done, but it usually takes longer than it "needs" to. If I ever say I'll get something done within a timelimit, just slap me over the head and tell me to do it NOW(!) 'cause that means I've [i]got[/i] the time and oppotunity to do it, but I just don't [i]feel[/i] like doing it (until I actually get started on it) :newlol Also, I'm actually doing [s]shit[/s] stuff as soon as the kid's tucked in, so in an hour or so :brow [quote=@Shard] I'll probably be in bed while that happens xD [/quote] Me, too, bro :zzz Where' you from?